Converge kickstart provides successful industry networking opportunity
🖊️ By Prozymi Biolabs 📅 08 Jun 2021
Ioannis Stasinopoulos, our co-founder, recently attended a training & networking event as part of the support offered by Prozymi’s success in the Converge KickStart Challenge 2021. At the end of the event, Ioannis said, “It was a fantastic week, with some great tips from specialists on business management and how to grow a successful company that you and all stake-holders can be proud to be a part of. I was also very pleased to have networked with many talented entrepreneurs and industry leaders, and it was very encouraging to hear how positively they viewed our Company’s opportunity. It was great to also see the progress of Converge Challenge alumni and their progress, as well as their experiences, passion, and business tips. I’d like to thank the Converge team for organising such a brilliant programme.”