We are now officially a Converge 2022 semi-finalist

🖊️ By Prozymi Biolabs 📅 10 May 2022

We are pleased to announce that we are now officially a Converge 2022 semi-finalist and have been accepted to the Converge Challenge Programme.

Working in collaboration with Scotland’s universities, Converge Challenge uncovers emerging spinouts and start-ups, acting as a catalyst to accelerate the creation of innovative products and services that will improve lives and safeguard our planet. Open to university staff, students, and recent graduates across Scotland, this program is designed to springboard new businesses through intensive business training, networking, 1-2-1 support, generous equity-free cash prizes, and expert advice from a roster of industry partners.

Converge Challenge is a competent, approachable team prepared to assist in turning a business idea into reality. The team works closely with participants from Scotland’s university network on their journey from academia to entrepreneurship, supporting them every step of the way.

We are highly honored and appreciative of the Converge Challenge’s support, and we eagerly anticipate the business steps to follow.